
OHMIGOSH! Its Sammi!

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About Me

I'm Sammi =)
I would like to say I'm the coolest chick you will ever meet,
but thats not true, so i wont even go there =)
I can be veryy mean. And nothing about me is perfect.
But anyone that says everything about them is perfect,
is full of shit, cause we werent put here to be perfect.
But hell if they want to believe it, let them.
Im shy and can be wayy quiet, but everyone i hang out with
loves to be loud! So i dont know how we fit together but we do!
If i wanna cry, I hardly show it.
If im pissed at you, I bitch at you.
Though i will end up taking it back and apologizing.
If i hate you ill show it, even if my friends like you.
A lot of people think they know me, and what im about,
but normally you dont, and never will.

Things i hate:


Things I love:

-My Friends
-Bright Colors
-Random Moments
-My Blonde Moments
-You =)

Myy bestest friend:
i love her to peices.
she knows more sbout me then i would hope.
but she also gets me more then i would imagine.
shes the type of girl, who doesnt care what you think,
and you will always know what shes thinking.
she is also the person to write you a note
then find it three days later and give it to you when your at her house.
me and her and bitches, get used to it, get over it.
so you can stop reminding us now.
Name Sammi Dutcher
Gender Female
Age 16
Location Salt Lake City, UT
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Men
Status Single
Quotes Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. --Mark Twain [Samuel Langhornne Clemens] (1835-1910)


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Hey there, warm welcomes to Createblog! I'm Sarah; feel free to drop me a line if you have any problems getting started with the community or the resources here. :)

By S-Majere on Apr 24, 2008 7:59 am · History


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Registered Apr 23, 2008
Last update Nov 26, 2008

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